Advance Care Planning
It's your choice

We all want to believe we’ll always be healthy, active and in control of our own decisions. But in a moments’ notice, an accident or serious illness can take away that freedom suddenly and quickly. When that happens, doctors turn to our loved ones to make medical choices for us.
While we believe that family has your best interests at hear, they may make choices that you may not want. Furthermore, your loved ones may not want to make these difficult decisions on your behalf.
Advance care planning is the process of reflecting on your health care preferences and values and then documenting these thoughts to help guide your treatment should you not be able to speak for yourself. The document that is most useful in this process is your Advance Directive. Here you will designate who you want to make decisions for you should you become incapacitated. You can also decide what medical treatments you want or don’t want. Many patients, their families and loved ones find peace of mind and assurance knowing their wishes will be honored in the event of a medical crisis.
It’s important to start having these advance care planning conversations now. It won’t be easy to talk about. You and your loved ones may have very different opinions. But talking about it now can make a big difference in the future. Your future.
Do it for your loved ones. Do it for yourself.