Women’s Health Day
If you’d like to sponsor our 2025 Women’s Health Day, please email Alix McGinley, at amcginley@southerncoos.org. or call her at 520-241-4171
Thank you to our Women’s Health Day Sponsors listed below!
Roger Straus
In Memory of
Anita Straus

Cheryl Wayte
Bethe Patrick
Robert S. “Robin” Miller III
Attorney at Law

Office of Amanda Whitlatch
Ladies of the Lake
Ursula Marinelli

Women’s Health Day 2025
BANDON – Join us for the 22nd annual Women’s Health Day, which will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, March 29, at the Bandon Community Center, 1200 11th St. SW, in Bandon City Park.
Women’s Health Day is an annual event presented by Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center and the Southern Coos Health Foundation and sponsored by generous community individuals and businesses. Over the past 22 years, Women’s Health Day has focused on healthcare-related topics that are relevant to women.
This year’s topic is “THRIVE – A Holistic Approach to Physical & Financial Health.” Keynote speaker is Dr. Neal Nathan, M.D. Dr. Nathan has been practicing medicine for over 50 years, has been Board Certified in Family Practice and Pain Management, and is a Founding Diplomate of both the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and the International Society for Environmental and Applied Immunology.
As he studied and learned a wide variety of alternative concepts, Dr. Nathan’s practice gravitated into primarily helping diagnose and treat those patients who have not been helped by conventional medicine.
There will once again be a panel and additional speakers, featuring local practitioners and financial experts, including Dr. Hank Holmes, Dr. Jennifer Webster, Dr. Veronica Simmonds, Kristin Nilsen, nutrition expert Stephanie Polizzi, local attorney Robert S. Miller III, and financial advisors Amanda Whitlatch, Anne McCaleb, and Lisa Amaral.
The day will include complimentary breakfast and lunch, stretch breaks, cooking demo, raffles, vendors, and drawings, and the Hospital Gift Shop will have a pop-up shop in the lobby of the Community Center.
To register and learn about sponsorship opportunities, visit https://southerncoos.org/womens-health-day/ or email Foundation Executive Director Alix McGinley at amcginley@southerncoos.org or call her at 520-241-4171.
The entire event is FREE to attend, thanks to generous sponsors. If you are unable to make it, the event will also be recorded and posted to the hospital’s YouTube channel, with a link available after the event on the hospital’s website at: https://www.southerncoos.org/womens-health-day.
The in-person event will be limited to 140 people, so reserve your spot today!
Click here to reserve your space for the in-person 22nd Annual Women’s Health Day:
THRIVE - A Holistic Approach to Physical & Financial Health
March 29, 2025
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Bandon Community Center (The Barn)
9:00 to 9:45 a.m. : Registration, visit the vendors & breakfast brought to you by our very own SCHHC Dietary Guru Rita Hamilton and her staff.
9:45 a.m.: Program begins
9:45 a.m.: Women’s Health Day welcome – Southern Coos Health Foundation Executive Director Alix McGinley
9:50 a.m.: SCHHC CEO Raymond T. Hino with Hospital News
10 a.m.: Keynote Speaker Dr. Neil Nathan with “Epidemics You May Not Be Aware Of”
11 a.m.: Break
11:15 a.m.: Healthcare Panel – SCHHC providers Dr. Hank Holmes, Dr. Jennifer Webster, Dr. Veronica Simmonds and Kristin Nilsen
NOON: Lunch and vendor visits.
1 p.m.: Welcome back – Alix McGinley. Meet our Bandon School District nurses Liz Deters, RN, and Lena Hawthorne, RN.
1:05 p.m.: “The Fire Within” – Stephanie Polizzi
1:50 p.m.: Break
2 p.m.: Financial Health Panel – Amanda Whitlatch, Lisa Amaral, Robin Miller, and Anne McCaleb
2:45 p.m.: Wrap up, survey and raffle prize drawings – Alix
Women’s Health Day 2025 – Sponsorship Opportunities
Event Details
Over the past 22 years, Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center, the Southern Coos Health Foundation, and numerous sponsors have come together to host Women’s Health Day, a day of learning, connecting, and a focus on empowering women to take care of their health.
When: March 29, 2025
Theme: THRIVE – A Holistic Approach to Physical & Financial Health
Speakers and Panels: Dr. Neil Nathan, Dr. Hank Holmes, Dr. Jennifer Webster, Dr. Veronica Simmonds, Kristin Nilsen, Stephanie Polizzi, Robert S. Miller III, Lisa Amaral, Amanda Whitlatch, and Anne McCaleb
Vendors: Healthcare and social services, plus a pop-up shop from the Southern Coos Hospital Gift Shop
Where: Bandon Community Center (The Barn). The program will also be recorded and available on the SCHHC website at https://www.southerncoos.org/womens-health-day.
Show your support for this incredible event!
Due to generous sponsorships over the past several years, we have been able to offer this program for free. Participants are treated to a catered breakfast and lunch, healthcare and other professional speakers and panel. We are also pleased to announce that Dr. Neil Nathan will be our keynote speaker. Supporting this important event benefits our community.
Women’s Health Day 2025 Sponsorship Levels
Entry: $150
Your business information featured on the event website.
Supporting: $250
Your business logo featured with a link on the event website.
Your business featured in event website and social media.
Your logo featured all print materials, including program.
Presenting: $500
All of the above benefits, including:
Ability for business to provide pre-recorded video about business’ services during event
Business logo prominently displayed during event
Sponsors, you can download and print the form HERE and return it:
By mail:
Southern Coos Health Foundation
P.O. Box 1933, Bandon, OR 97411
In person:
Drop by Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center
900 11th Street, SE, Bandon, OR 97411
Pay by credit card via our PayPal account by clicking HERE
Or call Alix McGinley at 520-241-4171 or Amy Moss Strong at 541-290-9989 for more information about sponsorships or the WHD event.
Thank you!