School Nurse @ Bandon School District
Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center – Bandon School District School Nurse Program
The Southern Coos Health Foundation fundraises on behalf of the Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center—and our reach goes beyond the walls of our facility and deep into the fabric of our community.
I want to let you know about a wonderful program we launched over two years ago that embodies our mission of providing all with access to quality healthcare.
Thanks to a unique collaboration between the Bandon School District and Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center, we now have a full-time, fully accredited registered nurse working every school day. Her name is Lizzy Deters, known to the school as “Nurse Deters.” Based out of Ocean Crest Elementary School, she also has a treatment room at Harbor Lights Middle School. She is also available when needed at Bandon High School.
The first two years of the program impacted every student, their parents and guardians, and the school staff. Now the School Nurse sees an average of 20 students a day for assessment and treatment. Our goal is to work toward becoming an Oregon Certified School-Based Health Center in the coming years.
Nurse Deters works closely with the Bandon School District staff to provide ongoing health education, ensure immunization records are compliant, and collaborate with Coos Health & Wellness on behavioral health issues.
The BSD School Nurse Program is funded through contributions by the Southern Coos Health Foundation, the Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center, Bandon School District, and several other generous foundation donors.
Will you consider making a donation to this important program? Your contribution will bring healthcare to over 600 students at Bandon School District.
I hope you’ll join me in supporting the Bandon School District School Nurse Program.
In Health, Scott McEachern, Executive Director, Southern Coos Health Foundation, Bandon, Oregon.
Pictured below:
School Nurse Lizzy Deters with her children in the Ocean Crest Health Room

Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center-Bandon School District School Nurse Lizzy Deters

Former Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center-Bandon School District
School Nurse Karrie Devine, pictured above, was with the district for two years and helped grow the program.